Celebration of Heroes | Phillip “Bass” Lucado recognized as blood donor hero

All heroes don’t wear capes, which is especially the case for Appomattox County native Phillip “Bass” Lucado, who has saved countless lives by donating blood.

Lucado is this year’s blood donor hero. He’s been giving blood for more than 50 years, a total of about 317 gallons of blood, helping many over the years battle cancer and survive surgeries and traumatic injuries.

A committed and dedicated blood and platelet donor, he credits his giving spirit to his parents. Bass, who is nearly 70 years old, said, “Mama and Daddy were giving people, always helping others, and supporting many organizations. Mama would always cook for folks on the farm and my dad gave blood until he was 83 years old.”

Most who donate find a location that’s close to home, but he travels across our region to donate.

“His phlebotomist says he always comes in with a smile, makes himself comfortable, and never complains throughout his many donations,” the American Red Cross said. “He is always reliable and will show up early when seen on the schedule. He has even changed appointment times, or scheduled days, or locations on short notice to fit in if he would otherwise be unable to donate.”

He will be honored at the Celebration of Heroes breakfast, along with other local heroes on April 18 at the Hotel Roanoke.
