Firefighters donate to Portneuf Cancer Center

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) – Each year, Pocatello Fire Fighters Union, IAFF local 187 members join the fight to save the lives of those affected by breast cancer.

Beginning in the month of October, the firefighters design and sell t-shirts to raise awareness and support those who have been touched by the disease.

On Monday, the union presented Portneuf Cancer Center with a check after raising more than $3,000.

“We are always excited to help support local organizations, and to be able to help support our local cancer center and their patients,” Pocatello firefighter Brian Christiansen said. “October and our Breast Cancer Awareness shirts are a huge hit in the community and is a project we look forward to every year.”

This year’s donation was the highest amount raised by the program. Every dollar from the donation goes to the Cancer Patient Assistance Fund, which offers financial assistance to patients who have a disruption to their income due to cancer and cancer treatments.

“These funds will directly benefit local people by providing help with the cost of travel to/from treatment and basic living expenses,” said Robb Dye, LCSW at the Portneuf Cancer Center.  It is supported by donations from generous local organizations. Once again, we thank the local firefighters for their continued focus on raising awareness and supporting the community.”
