Honoring Utah firefighters on ‘National Wildland Firefighter Day’

Fire crews from Utah are all over the western United States working on wildland assignments.

They’re working on a day deemed National Wildland Firefighter Day, which “recognizes the dedication of wildland firefighters, including federal, state, local, Tribal, military, rural, contract, and support personnel.”

According to the National Interagency Fire Center, National Wildland Firefighter Day was established in 2022.

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) wrote on their website:

“The selected date is especially meaningful as it occurs during the Week of Remembrance, which is held annually June 30 to July 6, and serves as an opportunity to renew our commitment to wildland firefighter safety as we remember those who have fallen in the line of duty,”. “NWFFD is designed to recognize the hard work and devotion of all wildland firefighters and support personnel who are the backbone of the wildland fire community. These men and women work to save lives, property, infrastructure, and precious natural and cultural resources every year, and we are incredibly thankful for their professional skills and efforts.”

Utah is home to a variety of wildland firefighting crews that travel far and wide to work on wildfire assignments.

As of July 2, some crews were headed to Alaska to assist with wildfires. Others are in California, New Mexico and Wyoming while some are currently assigned to the Little Twist Fire burning outside of Beaver, Utah.

