Georgia family offers reward to find French bulldog puppy after it was stolen during dog show

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© Provided by WJCL stolen dog

A Georgia family says their 10-week-old French bulldog may be in the hands of thieves after visiting a local dog show.

The dog’s owner says it all started with somebody taking advantage of her teenage son.

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“My son come running back to the booth saying somebody stole the dog, somebody stole the dog,” said Anna Stanford.

The puppy, named Gremlin, was last seen with Stanford’s 16-year-old son at a dog show at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds on Saturday.


Stanford and her family are licensed breeders and were all there to show Gremlin off at a puppy class.

“We’ve never had to worry about any dogs being stolen or taken,” she said.

She said her son was walking around the fairgrounds during the show when he was approached by a group of people. She said they asked the teen to play a cup shuffle game while they held Gremlin.

“One of the guys wanted to hold the dog. And next thing you know, they’re taking off with the dog out the front door,” she said.

By the time they all notified a sheriff’s deputy working security, the people were gone.

Stanford hasn’t seen Gremlin since, and says not only are her kids devastated but that the thieves could be looking to make a profit.

“We did have him listed at $15,000,” she said.

Now with cold weather here, they wonder if Gremlin is getting the right care and they’re warning others to hold their puppies a little closer.

“A lot of French bulldogs are being stolen,” Stanford said.

The Stanford family is offering a $2,500 reward for their dog’s safe return.

READ THE FULL STORY:Georgia family offers reward to find French bulldog puppy after it was stolen during dog show

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